Author Archives: andrewsapp

About andrewsapp

I'm male.....

The Grand Finale

This is my final project for the class. It’s not just a look at Church Media, its more of an in-depth explanation of how the Church needs media in society today. All in all there are so many ways that the church can rely on media to create a new venue of space and things to do. There are many ways that churches can benefit from the use of social media and in todays society it is a necessity.

Simple times…

So with the recent loss of internet (it has now been returned to working order) it made me stop and think of what things were like before the World Wide Web. As soon as the “connection was lost” tweets began to pop up of the annoyance and frustration of not having internet. I immediately also began to panic finally resulting to plugging in my cell phone to use as a modem, a practice also known as tethering. Then it occurred to me that at one time, students in college didn’t have this fabulous internet and were actually forced to read books to gain information for their papers. If they were done with homework then they actually spent time with their friends instead of chatting with them on Facebook. To be honest, the thought of no internet made me think that my life would be a bit simpler. I wouldn’t be “stalking” my friends to see what I wasn’t invited to, I wouldn’t be worried about trying to tweet my life, I wouldn’t be overloaded with so much news that I became depressed, perhaps it would be nice. They say history repeats itself so maybe one day we won’t have internet…I highly doubt it will ever happen but to think of it is somewhat of a nice idea.   I found this article (online of course) that goes along with my topic. Enjoy. 10 Things the Internet Has Killed 

Listen to the waves…..

It’s late, and according to my best friend I should be getting lots of sleep, yet I find myself sitting here typing this post. I feel as if I should blog more often considering how exciting of a life I have but alas I don’t. It’s the second day of April and that means school will be coming to a close soon leaving me with just one year left, scary. I have one year until life hits me like wave crashing upon a sandcastle. That’s actually a good analogy. My life is a sandcastle, and just when I think I’ve got it built the way I want it, God sends the wave to mix things up. The wave doesn’t destroy you,  the sand is still there when it leaves, it’s simply offers a chance to take what you’ve got and re-create it. So college will be four years of building that will be washed over to create a new foundation for life. Hmm, in that case May 2012 will be the biggest opportunity of my life. I sure hope this makes sense when I read it again fully awake. Shalom to those who may find themselves reading this.

Spring Break My Neck

This title is like a Wheel of Fortune puzzle where you have to figure out both phrases. It’s been a crazy start to March, the old phrase “March roars in like a lion and out like a lamb” has been so true. Spring tour with Lee Singers was so amazing, and it also opened some doors to interesting look at Social Media in churches. So many use Facebook and Twitter as a way for their members to get plugged in and stay connected. There were also many churches that streamed their services live online which creates for an audience that can literally be world wide. Its amazing to see how much within the past five years churches and social media have become connected. It is going to be a friendship that further develops and I can’t wait to see what will take place within the next five years.

Domain name…success!

Finally got the new domain name up and running, now I’m set for life! (but not really). This week has been interesting in that I feel a slight directional shift taking place in my life, I feel like God is beginning to do something new and although I feel slightly uncomfortable, I’m completely excited. Singers is going well and even greater things are on the horizon. Learning all of the music is proving to be quite the task, but I always love a good challenge. Today I shall leave the message from Chapel this morning, “God is there in your NOT altogether life”